
스포츠 관련 영어 단어

granola 2023. 1. 23. 07:55


emancipation 해방

The emancipation of women was furthered by passage of the Nineteenth Amendment.


denounce  고발하다

The report denounced athletics as being professional rather than amateur in nature and as a means of public entertainment and commercialization.


espouse 옹호하다

retardation 지연

laughingstock 웃음거리,

telecast TV 방송사

glean 얻다

ramificaition 파문 , 영향

inhere 원래부터 타고나다.


relinquish 포기하다(권리를), 내어주다.

-> A right considered to inhere in a person as a human being that can not be reliquished by government.


encroach 침해하다

They saw the problem as encroaching on provincial jurisdiction in health.


well off-부유한 

amputation 절단


unanimous 만장일치로

the act passed with unanimous approval.


entrench 단단히 자리잡다

the act also entrenched the five fundametal priciple taht were to guide health-care delivery in Canada.


refute 부인하다, 반박하다

Owens's phenomenal performance refuted the Nazi theory of Aryan supremacy.


moot 제기하다

The issue of amateurism became a moot point.


prevaling 지배적인, 우세적인

Amateurism had become the prevaling ideological code of Canadian sport.


compilation  모음집, akin to ~와 유사한

Would you have anything more than a compilation of facts that is more akin to a grocery list than to something meaningful and revealing about your life?


conducive - 하기 쉬운

Massive immigration from the UK was accompanied by a social stability conducive to games and recreation.


garrison 수비대

every town was a garrison or military post with troops stationed.


Imbued with -가득 채우다

Imbued with this British public school sorting tradiion.


catalyze 촉진시키다

many historians credt the bicycle for offering one of the first means for recreational pastimes and for catalyzing dress reform for women.


cradle 요람

Montreal is often hailed as the cradle of organized sport in Canada.


Suffrage 투표권

Women's suffrage was granted in 1918 after a long struggle by suffrage
