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스포츠, 운동, 관련 영어 단어(motor development)

by granola 2023. 1. 11.

heredity - 유전

the total set of characteristics biologically transmitted from parent to offspring.


gene -유전자

a gene is only probability for a given trait, not a guarantee.

A gene is the basic unit of heredity found within a chromosome.


epigenesis- 후천성

this idea is that development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between one's biological characterisitics and the environment.


Growth 성장

observable changes in quatity (increase in body size)


development 발달

the process of change in the individual's level of functioning.


Maturation 성숙해짐

developmental events

progress toward the mature biological state


Motor behaviour

observable changes in the learning and performance of a particular movement or motor skill(balance, walking, and running)


affordances 기회

opportunities for action that objects, events, or places in the environment provide.( toys, stairs in the home)


developmentally appropriate

the instruction and practice of activities appropriate for the level and needs of the individual.



the deteriorated capacity to regulate the internal environment.


astonishing 놀라울만한

humans have the astonishing ability to display considerable resilience to adverse conditions.


teratogen 기형

agents such as drugs,stress, and alcohol that can cause featal malformation.


conception 수정


rudimentary behaviour is voluntary movement in its first form.

