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원인과 결과, 대조, 조건절의 접속사

by granola 2022. 5. 10.

연결사들은 원인과 결과, 대조/대비, 조건절들을 표현한다.  연결어 구들은 부사절, 전환, 접속사, 전치사 등이 될 수 있다. 


ex> Because Julian felt sick, he left work early.

ex> Even though Julian is afraid of doctors, he decided to make an appointment. 

-> 연결사인 because와 even though는 부사절의 어구로 쓰인다.


ex> Julian had a rash and fever. Consequently, the doctor ran tests.

ex> The doctor ran tests. However, she found nothing serious. 

->>consequently와 however는 문장의 앞과 뒤를 화제를 전환시켜주는 역할을 한다.


ex> Julian wasn't seriously ill, but his doctor told him to rest anyway.

ex>Julian wasn't well, so his doctor told him to rest.

-->>연결사인 but과 so는 접속사 역할을 하고 있다.


ex> Due to his illness, Julian missed several days of work.

ex> He stayed home from work because of his illness. 



  부사절어구 전환구 접속사 전치사
원인과 결과 because
now that
so because of 
대조/대비 even though
on the other hand
due to
조건 If
in case
only if
even if
whether or not
otherwise or(else)  

Because Of와 Due To


ex> Because the weather was cold, we stayed home. 

->>because는 부사절을 소개하고 주어 동사가 뒤에 따라온다.


ex> Because of the cold weather, we stayed home.

ex> Due to the cold weather, we stayed home.

-->> because of와 due to는 전치사 구로서 뒤에 명사가 따라온다.


ex> Due to the fact that the weather was cold, we stayed home. 

-->>가끔 Due to 다음에 명사절이 따라오는데, 이때에는 the fact that 이 명사절을 소개해주는 역할을 한다.



We stayed home because of the cold weather.

We stayed home due to the cold weather.

We stayed home due to the fact that the weather was cold.

부사 절은 주절 뒤에 쓰이는 것도 가능하다.



원인과 결과: Therefore, Consequently, so


ex> Al failed the test because he didn't study.

ex>Al didn't study. Therefore, he failed the test.

ex>Al didn't study. Consequently, he failed the test.


->> therefore와 consequently는 결과적으로라는 의미를 나타낸다.

->> 앞 뒤 문장의 아이디어를 연결시켜주고 라이팅에서 많이 쓰이지만, 일상적인 대화나 회화에서는 많이 쓰이지 않는다.


ex> Al didn't study. Therefore, he failed the test.

ex>Al didn't study. He, therefore, failed the test.

ex>Al didn't study. He failed the test, therefore.


-->> 연결사 therefore는 첫 문장 뒤에 마침표를 찍은 다음 쓸 수 있고, 

->주어와 동사 사이에 콤마를 각각 써 준다음 쓰일 수 있고,

-> 두 번째 문장의 가장 끝에 쓸 수 있다.


ex> Al didn't study, so he failed the test.

->so는 접속사로서 두 개의 독립적인 절을 이어준다. 뜻은 therefore와 같은 의미를 지닌다.

->> 콤마는 보통 두 문장을 연결해줄 때, so 앞에 선행한다.



요약 양식과 구두법



ex> Because it was rain, we ate a ramen.

ex> We went swimming because it was hot.

->부사절은 독립적인 문장 앞이나 뒤에 올 수 있는데, 앞에 올 때에는 부사절 끝에 콤마를 찍어주고, 주절의 뒤에 따라올 때에는 콤마를 찍지 않는다.



ex> Because of the hot weather, we went swimming

ex> We went swimming because of the hot weather.


전치사는 명사가 뒤에 따라오고, 주어 동사를 뒤에 쓸 수 없다. 콤마 역시 주절의 앞에 올 때 부사절 끝에 써준다.



ex> It was hot. Therefore, we went swimming.

ex> It was hot. We, therefore, went swimming.

ex>It was hot. We went swimming, therefore.

ex>It was hot; therefore, we went swimming.


전환구들은 두 번째 문장에 같이 쓰이고 , 두번째 문장을 선행하는 문장과의 관계를 나타내 준다. 

전환 어구들은 뒤에 문장에서 자리이동이 가능하다. 세미콜론을 써로 연결해주기도 한다.



ex> It was hot, so we went swimming 

->접속사는 두 개의 독립절 사이에 올 수 있다. 콤마는 접속사 바로 앞에 써야 한다.



원인과 결과를 such,,, that과 so,, that을 이용하여 표현할 수 있다.

ex> Because the weather was nice, we went to the zoo. 

ex) It was such nice weather that we went to the zoo. 

ex) The weather was so nice that we went to the zoo.

-> 모두 같은 의미를 나타낸다.


ex> It was such good coffee that I had another cup.

ex>It was such a foggy day that we couldn't see the road.

-such + 형용사+명사+ that  순으로 쓸 수 있다.


ex> The coffee is so hot that I can't drink it. 

ex> I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse.

ex> She speaks so fast that I can't understand her

ex> He walked so quickly that I couldn't keep up with him.

->> so + 형용사/부사 + that 순으로 쓰인다.


ex> She made so many mistakes that she failed the exam. 

ex> He has so few friends that he is always lonely.

ex>She has so much money that she can b uy whatever she wants.

ex> He had so little trouble with the test that he left 20 minutes early.

->>so... that 은 many, few, much, little과 함께 쓸 수 있다.


ex> It was such a good book (that) I couldn't put it down.

ex>I was so hungry (that) I didn't wait for dinner to eat something

->> 가끔 that 말하기 할 때 생략된다.


So that - 목적을 위한 표현

ex> I turned off the TV in order to enable my roommate to study in peace and quiet.

ex>I turned off the TV so (that) my roommate could study in peace and quiet

->> in order to는 목적을 나타낸다: ~~ 하기 위해서라는 의미이다.


ex> I'm going to cash a check so that I can buy my textbooks.

ex>I cashed a check so that I could buy my textbooks.


-> so that은 목적을 표현한다. so that 은 in order to와 같은 의미를 나타내고, that 은 말할 때 자주 생략된다.

-> so that 은 종종 in order to 대신에 사용할 수 있는데 어떠한 능력에 대한 표현할 때 쓰인다. Can 은 부사절에서 사용되고 현재나 미래의 의미를 나타낸다.


So that + Will/Would 나 단순 현재


ex> I'll take my umbrella so that I won't get wet.-> so that I won't get wet 은 미래에 젖지 않기 위한 목적을 표현한다.

ex> Yesterday I took my umbrella so that I wouldn't get wet.->>would는 과거의 의미를 표현한다.

ex> I'll take my umbrella so that I don't get wet.->>가끔 단순 현재를 미래 시제 대신 사용이 가능하지만, 미래의 의미를 나타낸다.


대조( 예상치 못한 결과)

ex> Even though it was cold, I went swimming.

ex> Although it was cold, I went swimming

ex> Though it was cold, I went swimming.

ex> It was cold, but I went swimming (anyway).

ex> It was cold, but I (still) went swimming.

ex>It was cold, yet I (sti ll ) went swimming.

ex>) It was cold. Nevertheless, I went swimming.

ex>) It was cold; nonetheless, I went swimming.

ex> It was cold. However, I(still) went swimming.

ex>) I went swimming despite the cold weather.

ex> I went swimming in spite of the cold weather.

ex>I went swimming despite the fact that the weather was cold.

ex>I went swimming in spite of the fact that the weather was cold


모두 같은 의미를 나타낸다. 

 앞 문장의 내용 추운 날씨와 뒷문장의 수영을 하러 간다는 대조적인 생각을 표현하고 있다. 보통 날씨가 추우면 수영을 잘하지 않는다. 그래서 추운 날씨에 수영을 하는 것은 예상치 못한 결과를 나타내는 것이다.



직접적인 대조: While, but, however, on the other hand


ex> Mary is rich, while John is poor.* 

ex> John is poor, while Mary is rich. 

ex> Mary is rich, but John is poor.

ex>Mary is rich, but John is poor.

ex>Mary is rich; however, John is poor

ex> John is poor; Mary is rich, however.

ex> Mary is rich. John, on the other hand, is poor.

ex> John is poor. Mary, on the other hand, is rich.


while, but, however, on the other hnad, 앞 문장의 반대되는 표현을 직접적으로 나타낸다.


조건을 나타내는 접속사: Otherwise, Or(Else)


If, Otherwise


ex> If I don't eat breakfast, I get hungry.

ex> You'll be late if you don't hurry

ex>You'll get wet unless you take your umbrella

->>If와 Unless는 특정한 조건으로 특정한 결과를 나타나게 한다.


ex> I always eat breakfast. Otherwise, I get hungry during class.

   =otherwise= if i don't eat breakfast

ex> You'd better hurry. Otherwise, you'll be late.

ex> Take your umbrella. Otherwise, you'll get wet.

-> Otherwise는 반대의 아이디어가 진짜라면 특정한 결과를 나온다는 의미를 나타낸다.


Or else, otherwise 같은 의미


ex> I always eat breakfast, or (else) I get hungry during class

ex> You'd better hurry, or (else) you'll be late.

ex> Take your umbrella, or (else) you'll get wet.


