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by granola 2023. 3. 1.

lucvrative 수익성이 좋은, 유리하기, 이익이 있는

How public funds should be committed to new sports areans or stadiums that house lucrative professional sports franchises?


demean 위신을 떨어뜨리다

The Cleveland Indians Washington Redskins demean Indigenous peoople, among many other examples.


agitate- 법적,사회적 사항을 주장 또는 요구하다.

Athlete-activists formed organizatinos to challenge racially segregated sport and to agitate for non-racial competition.


malfeasance 부정 불법행위

Despite growing evedience ofthe organization's financial malfeasance


retaliation 보복 , 앙갚음

In retaliation, the Soviet Union and 13 allied countries boycotted the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.


Plight 역경, 곤경

The plight of migrant labourers in Qatar.


embroil 휘말리게 만들다,

The Games become ebroiled in two major controversies.


insurmountable 대체할 수 없는

an insurmountable barrier to the enjoyment of a normal life.


replete with  충만한, 

One replete with challenges, joys, success and failure.


take-for-granted 당연한 일로 여겨지다

Normalcy should net be viewed as a taken-for-granted 'natural' phenomenon.


vigilant 바짝 경계하는

she needs to be vigilant about where she goes, where and how she travels, and what she eats.


exerterity 재능


maternal 어머니의, 모계의

Maternal environment is a protective shelter for the developing embryo.


unbilical cord 탯줄

The baby needs the umbilical cord to survive.


gestational 잉태의, 임신 기간의

Gestational diabete


macrosomia 거구증

hyperinsulinemia may result in macrosomia


hypoxia 저산소증

Carbon monoxide causes fetal hypoxia.


proliferation 급증 ,확산

increased physical activity & control of diet in early stages of development can limit fat cell proliferation.


impervious 영향을 받지 않는

Although, teh fetus is well protected by the placenta, it is not impervious to the outside environment.


trimester 3개월

the first trimester is an especially vulnerable time.


hitherto 지금까지 , 여태까지

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class truggles.


lucrative 수익성이 좋은

Fans today wil be aware of the lucrative contracts some players sign with their team.


cadre 간부 , 간부다

an emergin cadre of sport professionals felt high-performnace sport could better meet their own interest


fare- 더 잘하다

Canada has fared well in international competition.


enthrall 매료하다, 마음을 사로잡다

based on a collection of notes taken by students who took and were enthralled by his courses.


appease 달래다

Wokers Sports association fully realized taht amateur organizers would happily use sport to appease the working classes.


revolt 반란

A nation that loves sport cannot revolt


wane 차츰 약해지다

While the impact of the workers' sport movement wanesd after World War II, there still exists an international workers'sport body today, the International Wokers and Amateurs in Sports Confederation.


renege on 어기다

The IOC agreed but then reneged on their promise and included only five events in the 1928 Summer Games in Amsterdam.


assimilative 동화력이 있는

Sports and physical activity have been used as assimilative tools


meritocracy 실력주의

competitive sport is often viewed as a genuine meritocracy, where performance alone determines one's ranking among the other competitors.


accrue 누적되다

Among the graph's most striking features is the growing share of total income that the top.


attire 의복, 복장

One's cultural tastes related to preferred attire at events


